WWE Smackdown Results (6/27): Women’s Money in the Bank Rematch, Naomi Defends Her Title, Randy Orton Demands a Rematch & More

– Maria Kanellis and Mike Kanellis make their way out to their amazing rock ballad and introduce themselves. Before they can continue, Sami Zayn’s music plays and he comes out for his match, and apologizes for interrupting them.

Baron Corbin vs. Sami Zayn

The two fought out to the floor as soon as the bell rang, and Corbin threw his opponent into the barricade over and over again. The assault continued during the commercial break, as Mr. Money in the Bank stalked Sami around the ring and threw him from post to post, beating him down mercilessly. Corbin hit a huge lariat that turned the underdog inside-out then slowed things down with a bear hug. Zayn fired up and broke the hold, using his speed to send the Lone Wolf crashing hard into the ring post. He went to the top rope and came down with a big flying crossbody, as we cut backstage and see Shinsuke Nakamura watching this match. Sami tries for an exploder suplex but got caught with a hard elbow shot, sent to the corner, and Corbin destroyed him with three splashes. He went to the well too many times and Zayn rolled him up on the fourth splash attempt, but Corbin kicked out and hit the Deep Six to pick up the win. // Winner: Baron Corbin

– Shinsuke Nakamura is interviewed backstage about Corbin winning his match and becoming the Money in the Bank winner. Nakamura says there may be a good reason that Corbin is afraid of him.