
Isenberg Reacts: 2016 WWE Draft “Highs and Lows on an Industry Changing Night”




John Cena

The face that runs the place has done it all, but still has some years left in the tank. His name is bigger than anyone else’s right now in the WWE. I like his addition to Smackdown because it makes them look important and credible. It also shows that WWE is not afraid to put the guy with the most merchandise sales on Tuesday nights. Business will pick up in every avenue with John Cena on Smackdown, going back to his old stomping grounds. Word Life.

Bray Wyatt

With Finn Balor needing Raw, Bray Wyatt will be a guy that WWE MUST utilize to his fullest on Smackdown. If he is not a world champion by the end of 2016, they are doing something wrong. With as much creativity as he brings to the show, two hours is plenty for Bray to cut a promo and really enhance his ring technique. Let Bray do what Bray wants to do to reach a new level of creativity on Tuesday nights.


Youth. We do not need Eva Marie challenging for the Women’s Championship anytime soon, but she could get paired with someone to give them more heat. Apollo needs the “wrestling” show that covers up his lack of ability on the mic. Baron Corbin needs less competition on a show to thrive to new heights. Michael Cole called him a future world champion. I can see it, but not when he had to take a backseat to 4-5 other heels on the card.


American Alpha

Let me clairfy… I love this team and their future is really bright no matter where they are. With that being said, unless the WWE Tag Team Championships are defended on both shows, what are these guys aiming for? They are ALREADY ready to carry those titles on the main rosters. They got a stellar pop, but I just worry they will have some great matches with no meaning behind them. Especially with tag teams, feuds are all about the titles and not much else.

AJ Styles/The Club

As soon as you get The Club and AJ over like rover, you split them up? They are the best thing going on television right now and Styles should remain a heel. He feeds off of the intelligence and quick wit from Gallows and Anderson. Is this a way where WWE creates a “Balor Club?” If so, I am more open to this idea, but this was too soon and Battleground does not mean much now in terms of winning. It is a placeholder for Styles/Cena at SummerSlam.

Mid Card

The Miz is your IC Champion. Guys that could go for his title immediately include: Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Zack Ryder and Kalisto. Are any of these guys ones you want to see chase the IC Championship? I feel like we have seen these pairings over and over again. Unless WWE want to quickly push Apollo, Mojo and others up to this level, it seems like we are in for matches we have seen at nauseam.


I am excited to see what WWE does with Smackdown, with Dean Ambrose and the plenty of established guys. Do I worry that they do not have the young and exciting guys on the roster like Raw does? Absolutely, but WWE wanted credibility on a show that lacked it. They brought John Cena, Randy Orton, AJ Styles and others on the show to potentially carry it over Smackdown. It will come down to what it always does: creative writing. If WWE can put better storylines, more creativity and more depth in basic characters, it will development more talent and bring them to a higher level. They MUST establish from the very beginning who they are going to build the shows around and fill in right below them.


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