WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/25/22)

Impulsive TV

Logan Paul says… stuff. Impulsive TV is just like Miz TV but people actually watch. Paul says he wants to finish what they started earlier. He wants Miz in the ring right here, right now. Nothing happens. Paul tries to goad Miz into answering his challenge. Maryse’s music plays. Maryse walks to the ring and plugs her reality show. She demands Paul never talk about her kids, or show, or her man’s genitals, which, is a word she can’t get out, so she settles on calling them his “package”. The crowd lays in a “tiny balls” chant.

Maryse lets us know the average size of a man’s testicles. Paul asks who measures their balls. Miz’s music hits and he stomps to the ring. Miz lets Paul know he does. Miz says Paul isn’t getting fun-loving Miz. He’s going to get two-time grand slam champion Miz. Paul notes Miz is still talking but he wants to fight. Paul talks about Miz’s tiny balls. Maryse slaps Paul Paul tells Maryse she has bigger balls than her husband. Ciampa attacks Paul from behind. Miz lays Paul out with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Dolph Ziggler and AJ Styles vs. The Alpha Academy

Styles and Ziggler get the win after Styles sends Gable into Ziggler’s finish.

Winners- Dolph Ziggler and AJ Styles

The Bloodline vs. Riddle and The Street Profits

Dawkins suplexes Jimmy. Ford tags in and lands a dropkick. Riddle and Jey tag in. Riddle unloads on Jey in the corner with kick after kick. Jey is sent out of the ring. Ford tags in and lands a Superman dive. After the break, The Usos are stomping out Riddle in their corner. Jimmy and Jey invite Reigns in to finish the job. Reigns thinks about it and tags in. Reigns beats down Riddle in the corner. Suplex by Reigns. Jey tags in and eats a boot from Riddle. Riddle tags in Ford, who clears the ring. Reigns gets a blind tag.

Ford turns around and walks into a Rock Bottom by Reigns. The Bloodline work over Ford. Ford’s head is busted open. After the break, Ford tags in Riddle. Riddle suplexes everyone. Riddle takes out both Usos with an Asai floating bro. Reigns gets another blind tag and surprises Riddle with a Superman punch. Ford breaks up the pin. Jey lands a dive. Dawkins pounces both Usos into the time keeper’s area. Riddle surprises Reigns with a hangman’s DDT. Riddle tries the RKO but Reigns pushes Riddle away. Spear by Reigns. Reigns pins Riddle.

Winners- The Bloodline

Seth “Freaking ” Rollins music hits and he meets Reigns on the ramp. Rollins laughs in Reigns’ face and waves goodbye. Rollins attacks Riddle. Riddle is thrown from the ring. Rollins hits Riddle in the head with the ring steps. Rollins Stomps Riddle out on the floor, then again on the ring steps.

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