WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (9/19): Pete Dunne And Ricochet Battle In A Title Vs Title Match, More

Title vs Title Match: North American Champion Ricochet vs United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne

Ricochet and Dunne trade submission and pin attempts in the early going of the match. Dunne spins out of a wristlock by Ricochet. Dunne takes Ricochet down and starts to bund Ricochet’s arm in ways it shouldn’t bend. Dunne tries to break Ricochet’s fingers. Dunne slams Ricochet down and hyperextend Ricochet’s elbow. Ricochet trips Dunne and locks in a modified step over toe hold. Ricochet turns it into a modified deathlock. Dunne counters that into a half STF. Ricochet reverses that into a hammerlock. Dunne rolls Ricochet into another deathlock. Dunne steps on the back of Ricochet’s knees. Dunne bends back Ricochet into a surfboard stretch. Ricochet turns into a pin and gets a near fall. Dunne obliterates Ricochet with a right to the face. Ricochet fires back with a few chops. Ricochet takes Dunne over with a head scissors. Dropkick by Ricochet. Dunne rolls to the outside.

Ricochet lands a topé suicida. Ricochet sends Dunne back into the ring. Ricochet tries another backflip into a head scissor bur Dunne catches Ricochet’s feet. Dunne punt kicks Ricochet. Dunne puts Ricochet in a sick version of the tequila sunrise. Dunne bends Ricochet’s fingers all the way back. Dunne steps on the back of Ricochet’s head. Dunne tries to step on Ricochet’s elbow. Ricochet moves. Dunne hits the ropes and runs right into a rolling thunder clothesline by Ricochet. Springboard back elbow by Ricochet. Dunne backflips over Ricochet. Dunne tries the X-Plex but Ricochet does a flip and lands on his feet. Standing shooting star press by Ricochet. Head kick by Ricochet. Ricochet tries another rolling thunder clotheslines but Dunne rolls Ricochet into an armbar. Dunne stands on Ricochet’s arm and stomps on Ricochet’s hand. Ricochet surprises Dunne with a knee.

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