NJPW Destruction In Beppu Results (9/17) Naito/Suzuki

EIGHTH MATCH: NEVER Openweight Championship Match: Hirooki Goto (c) vs. Taichi

Taichi evades Goto to start. Taichi slides out of the ring. Taichi breaks the count and immediately leaves the ring. Taichi breaks the count and slithers out of the ring again. Goto sits, arms and legs crossed, waiting for Taichi ala Katsuyori Shibata. Taichi gets back in the ring.

Goto rushes Taichi with swift knees. Taichi gets out of the ring. Taichi rolls Miho Abe in the ring. Miho flirts with the ref. Taichi attacks Goto from behind. Taichi throws Goto out of the ring. Yoshinobu Kanemaru beats up Goto at ringside. Goto throws Kanemaru into the barricade. Taichi hits Goto with a chair. Taichi chokes Goto with a chair. Taichi throws Goto into a section of seating. Taichi hits Goto with a chair. Taichi gets back in the ring and raises the title high. Goto breaks the count at 19.

Taichi tosses the title out of the ring. Taichi dominates Goto. Taichi chokes Goto. Taichi corners Goto. Taichi hits a corner lariat. Taichi takes Goto out to the entry way. Taichi hits Goto with a chair. Goto counters a powerbomb. Goto hits a suplex on the ramp. Goto suplexes Kanemaru onto Taichi. Goto gets Taichi back in the ring. Goto hits a spinning wheel kick. Goto hits a Saito suplex for two.

Taichi hits a corner enziguri. Goto blocks a Buzzsaw Kick. They trade forearms. They trade mid kicks. Taichi hits a headkick. They trade lariats. Goto drops Taichi with a lariat. Taichi hits a lariat. Tacihi hits a Buzzsaw Kick for two.

Taichi rips off his pants. Goto blocks a thrust kick. Taichi hits a Saito Suplex. Taichi hits a headkick for two.

Goto counters Last Ride. Taichi hits a series of kicks. Goto hits a back body drop. Goto hits a Saito Suplex. Goto locks in a Sleeper. Taichi grabs the referee. Kanemaru attacks from behind. Goto lariats Kanemaru. Goto goes for Ushiguroshi but El Desperado runs in. Goto lariats Desperado out of the ring. YOH, SHO & Rocky Romero fight off Suzuki-gun. Goto hits Ushiguroshi on Taichi. Goto hits Shoten Kai. Goto covers but there’s no referee.

Goto stomps on Taichi. Red Shoes is finally back in the ring. Goto hits a mid kick. Goto hits a headbutt. Goto hits Reverse GTR for two. Iizuka runs out and distracts the referee. Taichi hits a Low Blow and a Gedo Clutch for two.

Taichi hits a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi hits Last Ride for two. Taichi hits Air Raid Crash for the pinfall.



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