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NJPW Destruction In Hiroshima Results (9/15) Ishii/Omega. More.

MAIN EVENT: IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Tomohiro Ishii

They lock up. They break clean. They lock up. Omega locks in a headlock. They break.

They trade shoulder tackles. Omega rakes Ishii’s eyes. Ishii hits a rebound tackle. Ishii blocks V Trigger. Omega hits a drop toe hold. They trade elbows. Omega drops Ishii with a DDT. Omega hits a mid kick. Omega hits a mid kick. Omega hits a neckbreaker for two.

Omega locks in a camel clutch. Omega hits an axe handle. Omega kicks Ishii in the face. Omega pummels Ishii with elbows. Omega corners Ishii. Omega stands on Ishii. Omega hits a corner back elbow. Ishii hits a suplex. Ishii chops Omega. Omega hits You Can’t Escape. Ishii dodges a moonsault. Omega hits a snap rana. Ishii slides out of the ring. Omega hits Rise Of The Terminator.

Ishii fights back. Ishii clotheslines Omega out of the ring. Ishii sends Omega into the barricade. They exchange chops. Omega tells the English commentary team to move. Ishii blocks a moonsault. Omega blocks a One Winged Angel. Omega hits a snap suplex on the floor. Omega gets back in the ring. Omega dropkicks Ishii to the floor. Omega hits a baseball slide dropkick. Omega puts Ishii on the English announce table. Omega gets back in the ring. Omega hits a springboard double stomp onto Ishii, through the announce table. Omega gets back in the ring. Ishii breaks the count at 18.

Omega hits Aoi Shoudou. Ishii dodges V Trigger. Ishii hits a Saito Suplex. Ishii chops away on Omega in the corner. Omega spits in Ishii’s face. Omega and Ishii exchange throat chops. Ishii hits a Pounce. Ishii hits a Last Ride Powerbomb for two.

Omega dodges a sliding lariat. Ishii dodges V Trigger. Ishii headbutts Omega. Ishii hits a superplex for two.

Omega hits a German Suplex. Ishii hits a German Suplex. Ishii hits a Lariat. Omega dodges a German Suplex. Omega hits V Trigger. Omega hits a series of forearms. Ishii fights back. Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hits V trigger. Ishii blocks One Winged Angel. Omega hits a Brainbuster for two.

Omega hits V Trigger. Omega hits V Trigger. Ishii dodges V trigger by collapsing. Omega hits short-arm V Trigger. Omega hits V Trigger. Omega puts Ishii on the top rope. Ishii blocks the Super Snap Dragon. Ishii fights off Super Jay Driller. Omega hits V Trigger. Ishii blocks top rope One Winged Angel. Ishii hits a top rope Hurricanrana. Ishii hits a corner lariat. Ishii hits a headbutt. Ishii hits V Trigger. Ishii hits a lariat for two.

Omega blocks a Brainbuster. Omega hits a lariat. Ishii counters One Winged Angel. Omega counters Braibuster with a Reverse Rana. They exchange forearms. Omega blocks an enziguri. Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hits a V Trigger for two. Ishii fights out of One Winged Angel. Omega hits Croyt’s Wrath. Omega hits V Trigger. Ishii hits a lariat. Ishii hits a sliding lariat for two.

Omega hits V Trigger. Ishii hits a lariat. Ishii hits a lariat. Omega counters Brainbuster with a Tombstone for two.

Omega ties Ishii in the ropes. Omega pulls down his kneepad. Omega hits V Trigger. Omega hits V Trigger for one.

Omega hits V Trigger. Ishii hits an enziguri. Omega hits Jay Driller for two.

Omega hits V Trigger. Omega hits One Winged Angel for the pinfall.



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