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NJPW Destruction In Hiroshima Results (9/15) Ishii/Omega. More.

SECOND MATCH: Toa Henare vs. Bad Luck Fale

Henare attacks Fale before the bell.  Henare pummels Fale with head chops and elbow strikes. Fa;e hits a shoulder tackle. Fale blocks a lariat. Henare hits a low dropkick. Henare peppers Fale with elbows. Henare hits a flying shoulder tackle. Henare hits a corner lariat. Henare climbs the top rope. Henare hits a diving shoulder tackle for two.

Henare maintains the assault. Henare gets a nearfall. Fale blocks a Uranage. Fale hits a corner lariat. Henare counters a Bad Luck Fall. Fale hits a huge lariat. Fale hits Grenade for the pinfall.

WINNER: Bad Luck Fale

THIRD MATCH: Michael Elgin & Ayato Yoshida vs. Killer Elite Squad (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

Yoshida gets in Archer’s face before the bell. Smith attacks Yoshida from behind. Elgin breaks up the attack. Yoshida and Elgin double team Smith, but Elgin gets hit with a Pounce from Archer. Archer and Elgin brawl on the outside.

Smith dominates Yoshida in the ring. Smith hits a soccer kick. Smith gets Yoshida on the ropes and attacks the back. Archer tags in.

Archer slams Yoshida down. Archer hits a series of corner elbows. Smith tags in. Smith covers for two.

Smith hits a stalling brainbuster. Smith covers but Elgin breaks up the pin. Smith throws Elgin from the ring. Archer tags in and hits a Powerslam combo for two.

Archer stretches Yoshida. Yoshida counters a chokeslam with a guillotine choke. Archer throws Yoshida down. Yoshida hits a dropkick. Elgin tags in.

Elgin clears the apron. Elgin hits an enziguri. Elgin hits a missile dropkick. Elgin hits a series of forearms. Archer counters a rolling elbow with a chokeslam. Elgin counters with a German Suplex. Elgin hits a Falcon Arrow for two.

Archer counters an Elgin Bomb. Elgin hits a rolling elbow. Archer hits a Black Hole Slam. Yoshida tags in. Smith tags in.

Yoshida locks in a backpack sleeper hold. Smith snapmares Yoshida. Yoshida counters a leg drop with a Penalty Kick. Yoshida hits a second Penalty Kick for two. Smith ducks a Buzzsaw Kick. Smith hits an Oklahoma Stampede but Elgin breaks up the pin.

Smith hits Elgin with an Oklahoma Stampede. Yoshida rolls up Smith for two. Archer hits Yoshida with a chokeslam. KES hit Killer Bomb on Yoshida for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Killer Elite Squad