MAIN EVENT: Juice Robinson & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. CHAOS (Beretta & Kazuchika Okada)
Beretta and Juice start the match. They lock up. They exchange holds. Both men exchange takedowns. They break clean.
Okada tags in. Tanahashi tags in. They lock up. Okada gets Tanahashi on the ropes. Tanahashi reverses. Tanahashi smacks Okada’s chest. Tanahashi locks in a headlock. Okada counters with a headlock of his own. Okada hits a shoulder tackle. Okada covers for two. Okada gut shots Tanahashi. Tanahashi hits a low dropkick. Juice tags in.
Juice corners Okada. Juice works over Okada’s leg. Okada sends Juice to the apron. Juice climbs to the top rope. Okada shakes the ropes and Juice crashes to the canvas. Okada hits a leg drop to Juice’s groin. Beretta tags in.
Beretta hits an axe handle. Beretta fights off Juice and Tanahashi. Tanahashi and Juice skin the cat. Beretta dropkicks them both to the floor. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.
Beretta rolls Juice back in the ring. Okada tags in. Beretta locks in a camel clutch. Okada hits a sliding dropkick. Okada hits a slingshot senton for two.
Okada kicks Juice in the groin again. Beretta tags in. Beretta clotheslines Juice out of the ring. Beretta hits a plancha to the floor. Beretta rolls Juice back in the ring.
Beretta hits a face stomp. Juice hits a headbutt. Beretta hits a forearm. Juice hits a back body drop. Tanahashi tags in.
Tanahashi hits an axe handle. Tanahashi hits a flying forearm. Tanahashi clears the apron. Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw. Tanahashi bodyslams Beretta. Tanahashi hits a somersault senton for two.
Beretta ducks Slingblade. Beretta hits a lariat. Okada tags in.
Okada pummels Tanahashi. Okada hits a back elbow. Okada fights out of a Dragon Screw. Okada hits a Shotgun Dropkick. Tanahashi counters a Tombstone with Twist and Shout. Juice clears the apron. Tanahashi counters Rainmaker. Okada counters Dragon Suplex. Tanahashi counters Rainmaker. Juice tags in.
Juice hits Texas Jabs. Okada gut kicks Juice. Juice hits a lariat. Juice hits a corner lariat. Juice hits a corner lariat. Okada hits a flapjack. Beretta tags in.
Beretta hits Scooby Doobie Doo for two. Beretta chops Juice. Beretta hits a corner back elbow. Juice counters a Tornado DDT. Juice hits Texas Jabs. Beretta hits a German Suplex. Beretta clears the apron. Okada hits Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker. Beretta hits Gobstopper for two.
Juice counters Tornado DDT. Beretta chops Juice. Juice and Tanahashi hits Slingblade Hart Attack but Okada breaks up the pinfall.
Beretta ducks Cannonball. Beretta hits a Tornado DDT. Tanahashi hits Beretta with Slingblade. Okada hits Tanahashi with a Tombstone. Juice hits Okada with Juice Box. Everyone is down.
Juice hits Cannonball. Juice climbs to the top rope. Beretta hits a top rope Belly to Belly Suplex. Juice counters Gobstopper with a Falling Powerbomb for two. Beretta counters Pulp Friction with a rollup for two. Beretta hits a Piledriver but Tanahashi breaks the pin.
Juice counters Dudebuster. Juice ducks an Enziguri. Beretta blocks Pulp Friction. Beretta hits an enziguri. Juice hits Pulp Friction for the pinfall.
WINNERS: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Juice Robinson