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NJPW Road To Destruction Results (9/7) Golden Lovers Take On CHAOS

MAIN EVENT: CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Will Ospreay) vs. The Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi)

Ibushi & Ospreay start the match. They lock up. Ibushi gets Ospreay on the ropes. Ibushi breaks clean.

Ospreay locks in a headlock. Ospreay hits a shoulder tackle and Ibushi kips up. Ospreay ducks a roundhouse. Ibushi hits a hurricanrana. Both men trade takedowns. Both men trade dropkicks and flips.

Ishii tags in. Omega tags in. Ishii charges Omega. The two brawl. Omega hits a series of big boots. Ishii hits a brainbuster. Ishii chops away on Omega. Ishii hits a headbutt. Golden Lovers hit a roundhouse kick/Kotaro Krusher combo. Ishii hits a shoulder tackle. Ospreay tags in.

Ishii and Ospreay beat up Omega. Ishii hits a backdrop. Ospreay hits a corkscrew body press for two.

Ospreay hits an uppercut. Ospreay chops away on Omega. Ishii tags in.

Ishii hits a soccer kick to Omega’s back. Omega and Ishii exchange chops. They trade blows. Omega dodges a back suplex. Omega hits a back suplex. Ibushi tags in.

Ibushi pummels Ishii. Ibushi maintains dominance. They trade elbows. Omega tags in.

Omega grounds Ishii in the corner. Ishii spits at Omega. Omega stomps on Ishii. Ishii corners Omega and unleashes a flurry of strikes. Omega chops away on Ishii. Ishii hits a powerslam. Ospreay tags in.

Ospreay hits an enziguri. Ospreay hits a Tiger Feint Kick. Ospreay hits a Standing Shooting Star Press for two.

Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Ibushi hits a springboard dropkick. Ibushi & Omega hit Cross Slash. Omega and Ibushi hit You Can’t Escape on Ishii. Ospreay hits a double backflip kick. Ospreay hits Space Flying Tiger Drop.

Back in the ring, Ishii and Ospreay hit a Powerbomb/Springboard Lariat for two. Ishii hits a corner lariat. Ishii hits a back suplex. Ishii goes for a Powerbomb but Ibushi breaks it up. Ibushi & Omega drop Ishii. Ospreay breaks up Golden Trigger but gets thrown to the outside. Ibushi & Omega go for Golden Shower but Ishii knocks them off the top rope. Ishii hits an Avalanche Brainbuster. Ishii hits a sliding lariat for two.

Omega hits a V Trigger. Ishii hits a lariat for two. Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hits V Trigger. Ishii counters One Winged Angel. Ishii hits a headbutt. Omega hits V Trigger. Ibushi tags in. Ospreay tags in.

Both men exchange strikes. Ospreay hits a powerbomb for two. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. Omega runs in but eats a Stunner. Ibushi counters Osscutter with a Straight Jacket German Suplex for two. Ospreay ducks Kamigoye. Ospreay goes for Osscutter but Omega hits V Trigger. Ibushi hits a deadlift German Suplex for two. Ibushi & Omega hit Golden Trigger on Ospreay for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Golden Lovers


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