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NJPW Road To Destruction Results (9/7) Golden Lovers Take On CHAOS

FOURTH MATCH: CHAOS (Gedo & Hirooki Goto) vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Suzuki-gun attack CHAOS to start. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Goto throws Taichi back in the ring. Goto and Gedo hits a shoulder block. Gedo stomps the face. Goto hits an elbow drop. Chef’s pose.

Gedo tags in. Gedo hits Texas Jabs. Gedo fights off TAKA. Taichi rakes Gedo’s eyes and throws him out of the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Back in the ring, Taichi corners Gedo. TAKA tags in. TAKA stands on Gedo’s face. TAKA hits a snapmare. TAKA grinds his knuckles in Gedo’s face. TAKA stomps on Gedo’s face. TAKA locks in a headlock. TAKA breaks the hold.

TAKA stomps on Gedo. Taichi tags in. Taichi grabs Gedo’s nose. Taichi rakes Gedo’s eyes. Taichi covers for two.

Gedo tries to fight back. Taichi rakes Gedo’s eyes. Gedo ducks a lariat. Gedo ducks a second lariat and slaps Taichi. Goto tags in.

Goto hits a lariat. Goto suplexes TAKA onto Taichi. Goto hits a spinning wheel kick. Goto hits a backdrop for two.

Taichi counters Ushiguroshi. Taichi hits an enziguri. Taichi rips off his pants. Gedo ducks a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi hits a lariat. TAKA tags in.

Goto goes for GTR but Taichi hits an enziguri. TAKA gets a nearfall. TAKA locks Gedo in a clutch. Goto hits Ushiguroshi on Taichi. Goto hits Ushiguroshi on TAKA. Goto hits GTR on TAKA for the pinfall.



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