IWGP Champion Kenny Omega vs Penta El Zero
Penta tries to taunt Omega. Omega slaps Penta in the face. Penta tries a back roll and Penta kicks Omega right in the gut. Omega whips Penta into the corner. Penta does a leapfrog into a backstabber. Penta sets up a dive but Omega runs into the ring and hits a ranna. Omega sets up a dive but Penta hits the sling blade. Omega is sent out of the ring. Penta dives into Omega. Omega and Penta trade chops outside the ring. Penta whips Omega into the barricade and a chair. Omega lunges at Penta. Penta powerlsams Omega. Penta and Omega trade chops in the ring. Penta kicks Omega in the knee. Omega counters a whip into a rolling senton. Omega tries a second rope moonsault but Penta gets his knees up. Penta sends Omega into the ropes. Omega bounces off the ropes and drops Penta with a tornado DDT. Penta ends up outside of the ring. Dive by Omega. Omega lands a dropkick to the back of Penta’s head. Modified neck breaker by Omega. Omega calls for the V-Trigger. Penta counter with a boot. Omega tries the One-Winged Angel. Penta escapes into a power lung blower.
Penta misses a top rope foot stomp. Omega gets a near fall after a Death Valley Driver. Omega hits a V-Trigger to the back of Penta’s head. Omega sets up a top rope brainbuster. Penta slips out and kicks Omega in the knee. Penta gets a two count after a tree of woe double foot stomp. Omega rolls out of a backslide attempt. Omega hits V-Trigger. Penta tells Omega zero fear. Omega hits another. Penta asks for another. Stuff powerbomb into another V-Trigger. Penta kicks out. Omega tries hits finisher again. Penta reverses it into the Pentagon Driver! Omega kicks out. Penta and Omega fight on the apron. Penta hits the Fear Factor on the apron! Penta follows that with a double foot stomp. Omega kicks out yet again. Omega hits a sick V-Trigger. Omega drives Penta to the mat with a spinning package piledriver. Omega tries the One-Winged Angel for the third time. Penta reverses it and traps Omega’s arm. Penta snaps Omega’s arm. Penta hits the Fear Factor. Omega kicks out. Penta hits the rope but runs into a sick V-Trigger by Omega. Omega finally lands the One-Winged Angel for the win!
Winner- Kenny Omega
After the match, the lights go out. When the lights come back on Omega is standing in the ring. Penta gets up and attacks Omega from behind. Penta hits the Codebreaker? Penta takes off his mask and its Chris Jericho! Jericho hits another Code Breaker. Jericho grabs a mic and tells Omega that he will see Omega at the Jericho Cruise.
Up next: @PentagonJunior vs. @KennyOmegamanX #ALLIN pic.twitter.com/hWuBjPwlRJ
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) September 2, 2018