All In Results (9/1): New Champion Crowned, Chris Jericho Attacks, Joey Ryan Returns, Golden Elite Battle Fenix, Mysterio, and Bendido, More

The Young Bucks and Kota Ibushi vs Rey Mysterio, Bendido, and Fenix

Bendido takes out Matt. Bendido sends Matt to the outside spinning splash by Bendido. Matt and Nick double dropkick Bendido. Keniz tags in and hits a springboard cutter. Mysterio and Ibushi both tag in. Mysterio avoids a kick from Ibushi and a standing moonsault. Ibushi lands on his feet. Mysterio hits the rope and runs right into a front kick by Ibushi. Matt tags in and eats a rolling DDT from Mysterio. Fenix tags in and superkicks Matt. Fenix tries a wheelbarrow but Matt reverses it into a facebuster. Bendido tags in and eats a kick from Ibushi. Ibushi lands a moonsault for a near fall. Fenix and Bendido tries to assault Ibushi. Ibushi lands a double Pelé kick on Bendido and Fenix. Golden triangle moonsault by Ibushi. Matt lands a endo splash off the top. Mysterio springboards ranas.

Matt and Nick drags Bendido up the ramp. Nick dives off the stage and sentons Bendido and Fenix. Matt sends Bendido into Ibushi for a German suplex. Bendido avoids a tripe superkick and hits a triple rana! Mysterio tags in and hits a senton. Mysterio tries the 619. Matt catches Mysterio. The Bucks set up the Metzer Driver. Fenix breaks it up with a rope walk head kick. Fenix destroys Nick with a rolling Canadian Destroyer. Mysterio hits the 619 and a frog splash for a near fall. Bendido hits a backflip power slam off the top on Matt! Nick breaks up the pin. Bendido does a handstand and gets superkicked. The Bucks superkick Mysterio and Fenix. The Golden Elite hit the Golden More Bang for your Buck. Fenix breaks up the pin. The Bucks hit the Meltzer Driver for the win!

Winners- The Young Bucks and Kota Ibushi

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