Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/20): Rousey Tries To Break Stephanie, Reigns Defends Against Bálor, The Shield Returns, More

Backstage, Apollo Crews and Dana Brooke are whispering to each other. Titus O’Neil walks in and they stop talking. O’Neil asks where they have been.  Brooke studders and says she has some stats that will help them against AoP tonight.,

Titus World Wide vs The Authors of Pain

The match started during the break. Rezar has O’Neil in a body vise. Rezar brings O’Neil to his corner. Rezar and Akam beat down O’Neil. O’Neil tags in Crews. Crews misses a corner splash. Akam clotheslines Crews in the back of the head. Akam and Rezar hit the top rope stomp backbreaker combo. Crews kicks out. Crews surprises Rezar with a moonsault.  Rezar kicks out at one. Crews lands on his feet and hits a standing shooting star press for a near fall. The AoP hit the Last Chapter for the win.

Winners- The Authors of Pain

In Ring Segment: Stephanie McMahon

The Woman’s Championship is in the ring and the entire Raw Women’s division has surrounded the ring. Stephanie says she is proud of all of the women. Stephanie puts over the Evolution PPV and the Women’s Championship match from last night. Stephanie says without her presence Rousey wouldn’t be what she is today. Stephanie says she molded Rousey in her image. Stephanie says all the women around the ring want to be like Stephanie and Rousey. Stephanie announces Rousey as her protege. Rousey’s music cuts Stephanie off. Rousey joins Stephanie in the ring. Rousey asks Stephanie what she is doing. Rousey wants to know why all the women are outside of the ring. Rousey tells them they all deserve to be in the ring.

The women get up on the apron. Stephanie says this isn’t how a champion acts. Rousey this is about all of us. Rousey puts over some of the women on the apron. Stephanie cuts Rousey off and reminds Rousey what she did to Alexa Bliss last night. Stephanie says Rousey wants to do that to all of them. Rousey says she isn’t there to break the rest of the division’s arms, only those who deserve it. Rousey slams Stephanie down to the mat and puts her in an arm lock. Stephanie rolls out of the ring. The heels attend to Stephanie while the faces join Rousey in the ring.