wwe summerslam
(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

WWE SummerSlam Results (8/19): New Champions Crowned, Did Braun Strowman Cash In? More

Before the match, Natalya comes out wearing her father’s jacket from a previous SummerSlam. Natalya and both Bella Twins are at ringside.

Raw Women’s Championship Match: Alexa Biss (c) vs Ronda Rousey

Bliss backs into the ropes. The referee holds Rousey back. Bliss tries a cheap shot. Rousey catches Bliss’ hand. Rousey decks Bliss. Bliss rolls out of the ring. She wasn’t expecting that. Bliss starts to leave. Rousey offers to give Bliss the ring. Rousey turns her back and sits in the middle of the ring. Bliss circles. Bliss puts Rousey in a sleeper. Rousey gets to her feet with ease. Rousey destroys Bliss with a snapping Samoan drop. Bliss tumbles out of the ring. Bliss looks frightened. Rousey chases Bliss around the ring. Bliss attacks Rousey as she gets back in the ring. Bliss unloads on Bliss. Rousey sends Bliss flying into the mat. Rousey bends Bliss’ arm in ways it just shouldn’t bend. Bliss refuses to tap. Rousey sits back in a modified armbar. Bliss taps.

Winner and NEW RAW Women’s Champions, Ronda Rousey!

After the match, Natalya and the Bellas join Rousey in the ring. They all embrace. Rousey runs around the ring celebrating.

Universal Championship Match: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs Roman Reigns

Before the bell rings, Strowman’s music hits. Strowman power walks to the ring. Strowman gets in the ring and asks for a mic. Strowman says he refuses to be a coward and cash in when his opponet has his back turned. Strowman tells them Reigns and Lesnar good luck. Whoever wins will be facing Strowman as soon as the match ends. The bell rings and Reigns hits three Superman Punches and three Spears. Lesnar puts Reigns in a guillotine on the last Spear. Reigns drops Lesnar with a spine buster to break the hold. Reigns walks over to Lesnar. Lesnar puts Reigns in another guillotine. Reigns manages to get to his feet again.

Reigns plants Lesnar with another spine buster to break the hold. Lesnar takes off his gloves. Reigns tries another Superman Punch. Lesnar ducks and hits two German suplexes. Lesnar tries an F5 Reigns escapes. Reigns tries to Spear Lesnar. Lesnar moves out of the way and sails through the ropes into Strowman. Lesnar goes outside and hits an F5 on Strowman. Lesnar hits Strowman with the briefcase. Lesnar launches the briefcase all the way up the ramp. Lesnar hits Strowman with a chair. Lesnar gets back in the ring and Reigns hits a Spear for the win!

Winner and NEW Universal Champion, Roman Reigns!

NXT Takeover Brooklyn Results (8/18): New Champions Crowned, Who Is The Last Man Standing, More

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