The Miz vs Daniel Bryan
Bryan goes after Miz but Miz hides in the ropes. Bryan drives Miz into the corner. Miz decks Bryan while the referee is distracted. Miz kicks Bryan in the corner over and over again. Miz dropkicks Bryan in the corner. Miz charges in for another. Bryan grabs Miz by the through and finally punches Miz in the face. Miz floors Bryan with a shoulder block. Bryan catches Miz with a stiff kick to the chest. Bulldog by Bryan. Miz manages to the kitchen sink Bryan. Miz stands on the back of Bryan’s knees and mocks Bryan. Miz pits Bryan in a surfboard. Bryan escapes and kicks Miz in the knee over and over again. Bryan puts Miz in the surfboard. Bryan takes Miz over into a pin. Miz kicks out. Bryan lands the Yes! Kicks.
Bryan charges in. Miz picks Bryan up and crotches him on the top rope. Miz jumps off the second rope and clotheslines Bryan off the top rope. Miz works over Bryan’s neck. Miz works a cravat. Bryan gets to his feet. Bryan lands a few stiff chops. Miz drops Bryan with a neck breaker combo. Miz motions that he is going to punch Bryan in the face. Miz punches Bryan in the face over and over again. Bryan is starting to fire up. Bryan battles out of the corner. Bryan backflips over Miz and hits a running clothesline. Corner dropkicks by Bryan. Bryan sends Miz flying with a hurricanrana. Miz kicks out. Bryan dumps Miz to the outside. Bryan dives off the top onto Miz. Bryan sends Miz into the ring. Bryan goes up top. Miz cuts him off. Bryan dips off the ropes and puts Miz in the tree of woe. Running dropkick by Bryan. Bryan hits a belly-to-back suplex off the top rope. Miz kicks out.
Bryan lands the Yes! Kicks. Bryan misses the last kick. Miz kicks Bryan in the knee and hits a DDT. Miz hits his version of the Yes! kicks. Bryan stands up as Miz is kicking him. Miz tries another kick. Bryan catches Miz’s foot and slaps Miz in the face over and over again. Dragon screw by Bryan. Bryan tries a running knee. Miz reverses it into a figure four attempt. Bryan turns that into a Yes! Lock attempt. Miz launches Bryan head first into the ring post. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Bryan kicks out. Miz calls for the running knee. Miz runs right into a high kick by Bryan for a near fall.
Bryan and Miz fight on the apron. Bryan misses a kick and ends up kicking the ring post. Bryan drops to the mat in pain. Miz puts Bryan in the Figure Four. Bryan reverses the hold. Miz gets to the rope to break the hold. Bryan kicks Miz in the back of the head. Bryan elbows Miz in the head over and over again. Bryan puts Miz in the Yes! Lock. Miz manages to get to the bottom rope. Miz falls out of the ring. Bryan dropkicks Miz into the barricade. Maryse hands Miz something while the referee isn’t looking. Miz hits Bryan with a pair of what looks like brass knuckles. Miz decks Bryan with the knucks. Miz gets the win.
Winner- The Miz
The IT KICKS are having NO EFFECT on @WWEDanielBryan!#SummerSlam @mikethemiz
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) August 20, 2018
"I ALWAYS WILL BE BETTER THAN YOU!" – @mikethemiz #SummerSlam
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) August 20, 2018