WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

NXT Takeover Brooklyn Results (8/18): New Champions Crowned, Who Is The Last Man Standing, More

Gargano sets two table on top of each other. Gargano tries to suplex Ciampa off the apron through the tables. Ciampa pulls Gargano into the ring and hits multiple German suplexes. Running knee by Ciampa. Ciampa hits Gargano with the chair over and over again. Ciampa yells at Gargano to stay down. Gargano refuses. Ciampa hits three Project Ciampas in a row! Ciampa grabs a chair and sits in the ring. Gargano is barely moving. Gargano gets to his feet at nine and superkicks Ciampa out of the chair! Ciampa and trade strikes. hits a German. Ciampa and Gargano clothesline each other. Ciampa and Gargano both pop up after a one count. Gargano and Ciampa tear into each other. Gargano floors Ciampa with a lariat. Ciampa rolls out of the ring. Gargano superkicks Ciampa off the apron. Gargano tries a senton but Ciampa rolls out of the way. Ciampa sends Gargano into the barricade. Ciampa hits a butterfly facebuster on the ring steps. Gargano gets to his feet at 9.8.

Ciampa pulled up some of the padding on the floor and the canvas off the ring, exposing the wood slats beneath. Gargano sprays Ciampa with a fire extinguisher. Gargano hits Ciampa with a crutch over and over again. Ciampa grabs Gargano as he is getting into the ring and almost hits the hangman’s DDT. Gargano turns the tables and hits a hangman’s DDT on the exposed wood! The referee starts to count. Ciampa rolls out of the ring to break the count. Gargano hits a topé. Gargano lands another dive that sends Ciampa into the announce desk. Gargano tries to superkick Ciampa but Ciampa moves out of the way. Gargano accidentally superkicks a ring crew member. Ciampa blast Gargano. Ciampa hits a running knee with a chair that sends them both crashing through the barricade. Ciampa picks up the guy Gargano knocked out and throws him on top of Gargano. Ciampa piles up everything he can get his hands on top of Gargano. Gargano gets up at nine!



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