A multi-time champ, nobody can argue with Eddie Edwards’ skills, credentials or resume. That didn’t mean they were terribly interested in what he would do next, however. In fact, after years with the company, Edwards had more than plateaued; he was stagnant.
Finding a spot for him in the post-Davey Richards era was even more difficult. With Richards The Wolves became multi-time tag champs before Edwards flew solo to capture
X-Division and World title glory. That said, even Edwards’ best solo work came amidst a feud with his unhinged former partner. Together they provided some of the best in-ring and on-air action of Impact’s last year.
With Richards’ departure earlier this year, what was next for Edwards? Enter Sami Callihan, who unwittingly sparked the progression fans have needed from Edwards to take his character to the next level.
Obsessed with “The Draw” after nearly losing his vision to Callihan’s wayward baseball bat earlier this year, audiences have been treated to a more violent, even deranged, Edwards. Tying Tommy Dreamer to the story was a stroke of genius for Impact, as the path laid out for Eddie by Impact should be familiar to fans of ECW. Like Dreamer’s heyday, Edwards has become a man willing to lose it all to feed his quest for revenge, redemption and possible glory.
With his relationship with wife Alisha jeopardized, his mental stability in question and blinded by obsession, Edwards is a loose cannon. Nobody, including Edwards himself, seems to know his next move — and that means fans are forced to watch closely as more is revealed!
Next Page: These Five Acts Have Made Impact Wrestling ‘Must Watch TV’ (cont.)