Tyler Bate w/Trent Seven vs Roderick Strong w/Kyle O’Reilly
As soon as the bell rings Bate kicks Strong in the face. Strong and Bate trade strikes. Bate back body drops Strong. Sick European uppercut by Bate. Bate goes up top. After a distraction by O’Reilly, Strong pulls Bate off the top and hits the cradle rock backbreaker for a near fall. Strong chops Bate in the corner. Strong chokes Bate on the mat. Bate headbutts Bate. Bate blast Strong with a palm strike. Strong obliterates Bate with a chop. Strong sits Bate on the top rope. Bate counters Strong into a top rope gourd buster. Bate dives off the top and lands a back elbow.
Bate catches Strong with bop and bang. Exploder out of the corner by Bate. Saito Suplex hold for a near fall. Bate tries the koppo kick but Strong catches Bate’s feet and tries the Strong Hold. Bate escapes. Running knee by Strong. Strong drops Bate with the C4! Bate kicks out! Uranage backbreaker by Strong. Bate lands on his feet as Strong goes for the End of Heartache. Bate destroys Strong with the rebound lariat. O’Reilly gets on the apron but Seven pulls O’Reilly down to the floor. Bate lands the Tyler Driver ’94 for the win!
Winner- Tyler Bate
DIVING into action tonight is #MoustacheMountain's @Tyler_Bate! #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/ehVM4fQ9kQ
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) August 16, 2018
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