EIGHTH MATCH: A Block Match: Bad Luck Fale (6 pts) vs. Minoru Suzuki (8 pts)
Wild brawl to start. Immediately top the outside where Fale throws Suzuki into the barricade. Fale beats up Desperado at ringside. Suzuki hits Fale with a water bottle. Fale pummels Suzuki against the railing. Fale chokes Suzuki with a cable. The referee gets knocked down. Fale gets back in the ring. Suzuki gets back in the ring.
Fale stomps and stands on Suzuki. Fale hits a shoulder tackle. Suzuki ducks a lariat and locks in a rope hung armbar. Suzuki pulls Fale to the outside. Suzuki sends Fale into the barricade. Suzuki gets a chair. Desperado distracts the referee. Suzuki hits Fale with the chair. Suzuki chokes Fale with a chair. The referee takes the chair. Suzuki gets mad. Suzuki throws Fale into the barricade. Suzuki hits a sickening chair shot on Fale. Suzuki chokes Fale with the chair. Fale starts beating Suzuki with the chair. The referee gets knocked down again. Suzuki bashes Fale with the chair. Suzuki rolls Fale into the ring.
Suzuki pummels Fale in the corner. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick for two.
Suzuki pummels Fale. Fale hits a Samoan Drop. Fale bodyslams Suzuki. Fale hits a Big Elbow Drop for two.
Suzuki counters Grenade with an Armbar. Tanga Loa pulls the referee out of the ring. Tanga Loa runs in the ring and beats up Suzuki. Fale and Tanga beat up Suzuki. Fale hits a Big Splash for two.
Suzuki counters a Bad Luck Fall. Suzuki goes for a Rear Naked Choke. Fale corners Suzuki. Suzuki ducks a lariat and hits a series of strikes on Fale. Suzuki hits huge elbows to Fale’s skull. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Tanga Loa gets on the apron to distract the referee. Suzuki goes for the Gotch Piledriver but Tama Tonga runs in and hits a Gun Stun for the DQ in 8:52.
WINNER: Minoru Suzuki (10 pts)