WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (8/8): Keith Lee Debuts, Black Battles Gargano, More

Taynara Conti vs Vanessa Bourne

Bourne forces Conti into the corner. Bourne pounds on Conti as she yells “it should be me, not you!” Bourne puts Conti in a front chancery. Conti fights out of it and kicks Bourne in the back. Bourne tries to crawl away from Conti. Bourne tries to put Conti in a crucifix but Conti reverses it into a front slam for the win.

Winner- Taynara Conti

Aleister Black vs Johnny Gargano

As soon as the bell rings Black tries to kick Gargano’s head in. Gargano moves. Black floors Gargano with a head kick. Gargano and Black trade strikes. Gargano catches Black with his patented roll through kick. Black rolls out of the ring. Gargano hits a suicide dive. Gargano brings Black back into the ring. Gargano tries his inside-out spear but Black knees Gargano in the face. Gargano tries the roll through kick again but Black knee Gargano in the head again. Black and Gargano trade strike attempts. Neither can get the upper hand. Gargano and Black clothesline each other at the same time. Tommaso Ciampa runs in and attacks both Gargano and Black.

Winner- No contest

After the match, Black and Gargano take turns beating the crap out of Ciampa. Black and Gargano fight over who gets to beat up Ciampa. Black pulls Gargano back into the ring and pounds on him. Referee run in and separate the three competitors. William Regal comes out and turns the title match at Takeover Brooklyn into a triple threat match. Ciampa goes nuts.

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