Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

NJPW G1 Climax Night 16 Results (8/8)

SIXTH MATCH: B Block Match: Juice Robinson (4 pts) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (6 pts)

They charge each other to start. They exchange a series of shoulder tackles. Juice floors Ishii with a shoulder tackle. Juice corners Ishii and chops away at the chest. Ishii reverses and delivers chops of his own. Robinson counters with a series of chops and punches. Ishii drops Robinson with a shoulder block. Ishii hits a vertical suplex. Ishii chops away on Juice. Juice falls to a throat chop. Juice fights back with a series of forearms. Juice falls to another throat chop. Ishii delivers a few punches to the face of Juice. Juice hits a series of headbutts. Ishii drops Juice with a headbutt. Ishii reverses a Spinebuster. Juice hits a Full Nelson Bomb. Juice removes his cast from his injured left hand. Juice hits Dusty Punches. Ishii fights back with elbows. Ishii ducks a left hand. Juice hits a corner lariat. Juice hits another corner lariat. Juice hits Cannonball. Juice hits a flying crossbody for two.

Ishii blocks a powerbomb. Ishii hits a backdrop. Juice chops Ishii. Chop battle ensues. Ishii hits a powerslam. Ishii puts Juice on the top rope. Ishii hits a superplex. Juice blocks a lariat. Ishii blocks a lariat. Ishii ducks a crane kick. Ishii blocks a Juice Box. Juice dodges a sliding lariat. Juice hits Juice Box. Juice hits a Powerbomb for two.

Ishii seasons Juice with elbows. Ishii hits a headbutt. Juice hits a left hand punch. Juice hits a lariat for two.

Ishii reverses Pulp Friction. Ishii blocks again. Ishii hits a sliding lariat for two.

Juice hits a big boot. Ishii hits a German Suplex. Ishii hits a lariat for two.

Juice counters a Vertical Drop Brainbuster. Ishii hits a headbutt. Juice hits a headbutt. Ishii hits an enziguri. Ishii hits a Vertical Drop Brainbuster for the pinfall in 12:25.

WINNER: Tomohiro Ishii (8 pts)


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