Photo Credit: WWE, WWE Logo

WWE Superstar Expecting 4th Child, Marjo Stands In For The Miz At Infant CPR Class (Video)

WWE Superstar Expecting 4th Child, Marjo Stands In For The Miz At Infant CPR Class (Video)
Photo Credit: WrestleZone

WWE Superstar Expecting 4th Child

SmackDown Superstar Karl Anderson revealed on Twitter earlier today that he and his wife are expecting their fourth son later today:

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Marjo Stands In For The Miz At Infant CPR Class

WWE’s YouTube channel posted the following video from Miz & Mrs:

Marjo falls asleep during baby CPR class with Maryse.

Marjo stands in for dad-to-be The Miz at infant CPR class with Maryse: Miz & Mrs., Aug. 7, 2018


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