nikki bella brie bella the bella twins
Photo by Mintaha Neslihan Erolu/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The Bellas Celebrate National Sisters Day, oVe’s New Theme And Entrance Video

The Bellas Celebrate National Sisters Day, oVe’s New Theme And Entrance Video
Photo by Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

The Bellas Celebrate National Sisters Day

The Bella Twins‘ YouTube channel posted the following video for National Sisters Day:

Celebrate National Sisters Day with some of the best moments of The Bella Twins then go hang out with your sister!

Happy National Sisters Day! XOXO Brie & Nikki

RELATED: Top 10 Bella Twins Moments (Video)

oVe’s New Theme And Entrance Video

Impact Wrestling’s YouTube channel posted the following video:

They’ll urinate on your leg before they’ll shave your head. They’re up-front, aggressive and in-your-face. That’s why this is the perfect theme song and entrance video for oVe!

oVe NEW Theme Song and Entrance Video | IMPACT Wrestling Theme Songs


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