impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (8/2): Aries Shows Off, LAX Shows Out, Huge Tag Team Main Event, More

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Impact Preview & Discussion: Pentagon & Fenix Take On oVe, Aries Defends Against Underdog, Grado v Eli Drake, Bourdeaux Returns, More

Su Yung and The Undead Maid of Honor vs Allie and Kiera Hogan 

The rest of the Bridesmaids stand in front of the ring. Hogan and Allie attack the Bridesmaids. Allie and Hogan dump the heels to the outside. Hogan hits a suicide dive. The Bridesmaids surround Hogan. Allis dives off the top onto everyone. Allie and Hogan double team Yung. As the referee tries to get Allie out of the ring, the Maid of Honor attacks Hogan from behind. Yung and the Maid of Honor take turns beating down Hogan.

Hogan reverses a sunset flip into a front dropkick. Hogan makes the tag to Allie. Allie lands multiple clotheslines on Yung. Russian legs sweep for a near fall by Allie. Yung block the Code Breaker. The Maid of Honor breaks up the pin. Hogan hits her finish on the Maid of Honor. Yung lands the Panic Switch on Hogan. Allie Surprises Yung with the Code Breaker for the win.

Winners- Allie and Kiera Hogan

After the match, Tessa Blanchard attacks Allie from behind. Blanchard drops Allie with a Hammerlock DDT.