Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 10 Results (7/28) Omega/SANADA. More.

SEVENTH MATCH: B Block Match: Juice Robinson (0 pts) vs. Toru Yano (2 pts)

They lock up. Juice gets Yano on the ropes. They break.

They lock up. Yano gets Juice on the ropes. They break.

Yano offers a handshake. They shake hands and Yano gut kicks Juice. Juice drops Yano. Juice hits Dusty Punches. Yano evades the chop. Yano rolls out of the ring. Juice hits an Apron Axe Handle. Juice hits a headbutt. Yano throws Juice into the barricade. Yano tapes Juice to the barricade. Yano shoves the referee. Yano smashes Juice’s arm with a chair. Yano gets back in the ring. Juice untapes himself and breaks the count at 17.

Yano pummels Juice. Yano attacks Juice’s left arm. Yano yells at the ref. Yano continues his assault on the injured limb. Yano uncovers a turnbuckle. Yano throws Juice into a covered turnbuckle. Juice sends Yano into the covered turnbuckle. Yano uncovers the other turnbuckle. Turnbuckle Pad Duel ensues. Juice gets Yano in an Airplane Spin. Both men are insanely dizzy. Both men fall to the canvas.

Juice recovers first and hits a forearm and a headbutt. Both men trade forearms. Yano rakes Juice’s eyes. Juice hits a Back Suplex. Juice hits a senton for two.

Juice throws Yano into the exposed turnbuckle. Juice hits a corner lariat. Yano hits an inverted atomic drop. Yano catapults Juice into the exposed buckle. The ref stops a low blow. Both men trade near falls.

Juice hits Dusty Punches. Juice chops Yano’s chest. Juice takes off his cast. Yano blocks the left hand. An endless Pulp Friction reversal ensues. Juice rolls through and hits Pulp Friction for the pinfall in 8:29.

WINNER: Juice Robinson (2 pts)


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