Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 7 Results (7/22) Okada/Makabe, Fale/EVIL, Page/Tanahashi, More.

SEVENTH MATCH: A Block Match: EVIL (4 pts) vs. Bad Luck Fale (2 pts)

EVIL charges Fale to start. EVIL rakes Fale’s head. EVIL goes to the outside to bait Tanga Loa into hitting him. EVIL pulls Fale out of the match. EVIL throws Fale into the railing. Fale distracts the ref, Tanga Loa gets involved. Fale and EVIL brawl into the crowd. Fale throws EVIL into a section of seating. Fale buries EVIL under a bunch of barricades. Fale gets back in the ring. EVIL breaks the count at 17.

Fale attacks EVIL’s arm. Fale hits a big splash on EVIL’s arm. Fale covers for two.

Fale maintains his dominance on EVIL. Fale bodyslams EVIL. EVIL dodges a Big Splash. EVIL clotheslines Fale out of the ring. EVIL slams Fale into the railing. EVIL wraps a chair around Fale’s head and slams him into the ringpost. EVIL gets Fale back in the ring. EVIL hits a seated corner senton for two.

EVIL goes for a brainbuster but Fale powers out. Fale hits a shoulder tackle. Fale hits a Big Splash for two.

Fale goes for a Grenade but EVIL counters with the Thrust Kick to the leg. EVIL hits a staggering lariat. EVIL hits a second lariat. EVIL goes for a suplex, Fale counters, but EVIL turns it into a DDT. Fale hits shoulder tackle. Fale hits a lariat for two.

Fale goes for Bad Luck Fall but EVIL counters. EVIL hits a headbutt. EVIL hits a discus elbow. EVIL hits a lariat for two.

Fale counters STO by throwing EVIL into the referee. Enter Tanga Loa, who beats the everloving crap out of EVIL. EVIL ducks a forearm and Loa takes out Fale. BUSHI runs in and mists Tanga Loa. Tama Tonga tuns in and hits Tongan Twist on BUSHI. Naito runs in and hits an Enziguri on Tama. Fale hits a shoulder tackle on Naito. EVIL hits Fale with an STO for the pinfall but there’s no referee.

The referee comes to and refuses due to all of the mayhem. Tama Tonga hits the Gun Stun on EVIL for the DQ at 12:15.

WINNER: EVIL (6 pts)

After the match, Tama Tonga lays out all of the LIJ members.