Robert: There are a lot of other greats that have made the jump from professional football to professional wrestling. Did you look at any of those names as inspiration for yourself?
Moose: No. Most of my inspirations were guys with a lot of charisma like Ric Flair or Razor Ramon. I know that the legacy is there but I didn’t look towards any of those football guys.
Robert: Let’s talk about your theme song. Your theme song is one that gets the crowd very involved and invested with the “Moose” chants. How does that affect you as you’re going out to the ring?
Moose: It means so much to me. I feel what the crowd is feeling and I feed off of their energy so that intense feeling really helps as I’m going out to the ring.
Robert: You were the Impact Wrestling Grand Champion. That championship had some interesting rules. Is that a championship that you are sad that is no longer active as it was merged with the Impact Wrestling World Championship and how did you enjoy that experience with those special rules?
Moose: The rules were definitely interesting and I was the longest reigning Grand Champion and the only two-time Grand Champion so I definitely have a lot of history with that championship. As far as the belt no longer being around, it is what it is. There are no hard feelings. No harm no foul.
Robert: You had the opportunity to get in the ring with Bobby Lashley, another multi-sport Superstar who’s doing great things in WWE. What was it like being in the ring with Bobby Lashley?
Moose: Bobby Lashley, another two-sport superstar from the world of MMA. He was great and he really taught me a lot and I’m hoping that I can use some of what he talked against Austin Aries.
Robert: A couple of final questions here. What do you see coming out of Slammiversary and these television tapings? What is the next big milestone for Impact Wrestling? Is it Bound For Glory in October, is it next year’s Slammiversary? What are some goals for you?
Moose: Once we’re done with these television tapings, the next big thing for all the guys and girls in Impact is Bound for Glory. Some might call that the biggest show of the year or maybe the second biggest show of the year now but that is our next big show.
Robert: Final question. Rebel complex, Toronto. It’s sold out. First sold out pay-per-view for Impact in a long time and you’re headlining it. Do you have any final words for Austin Aries?
Moose: I think the time for words is over and it’s time for our fists to do the talking and we’ll see what happens. Hopefully, I’ll be walking out with some gold.
Robert: Alright. Well, best of luck to you and best of luck to Impact and I can’t wait to see what you guys do in the future.
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Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling