Tony Schiavone
Photo Credit: MLW Wrestling

How Does Tony Schiavone Feel About ‘WHW’ Not Being On The WWE Network?

How Does Tony Schiavone Feel About ‘WHW’ Not Being On The WWE Network?

A fan asked famed Crockett Promotions and WCW broadcaster Tony Schiavone how he feels about being the only one of Conrad Thompson‘s podcast compatriots to not have an appearance on the WWE Network, and Schiavone gave one of his What Happened When signature phrases for a response:

That’s what I dig about Tony. He definitely has this “laissez faire” attitude when it comes to his position in the wrestling business, because he honestly thought that his time in the industry was over, but that attitude is what makes What Happened When the best of the Conrad Thompson-hosted podcasts in my opinion. Tony’s the best and he doesn’t even know it.

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