Ring Of Honor released a statement to Sean Radican of PWTorch regarding the allegations Taeler Hendrix made against Jay Lethal that her push in the company was stifled when she wouldn’t agree to sleep with Lethal. The statement is below:
We were troubled to hear the allegations that surfaced last night on Twitter. We take these matters very seriously and will be investigating this situation thoroughly, reviewing all evidence related to the matter. Ring of Honor strives to provide an environment and workplace where male and female wrestlers are free from any misconduct or abuse. We will take appropriate action upon the conclusion of our findings.
Jay Lethal won the ROH World Title from Dalton Castle on June 30.
You can read PWTorch’s full write-up by going here.
ROH Dojo Opening
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage