In Ring Segment: Konnan
Konnan says they need to clear the air. Konnan asks King to come to the ring. LAX and King join Konnan in the ring. King tells Konna to go ahead. Konnan says he isn’t so mad that King put a hit out on him. Konnan list all of the ways he has helped King over the years. King says he doesn’t know what Konnan has been smoking lately but where is his proof. Konnan says the calls that King were making to Konnan for orders never actually happened. King says it’s Konnan’s word against his. Konnan says King is nothing about a glory hole. King says you know what? Konnan is right. King admits to putting the hit out. King tells Konnan to walk away before Konnan gets shot in the back of the head like Old Yeller. Santana and Ortiz square up on King. King tries to convince them to he made the right call. Ortiz and Santana give King the finger. Homicide and Hernadez attack Santana and Ortiz from behind. The Original LAX and King stand tall after the beatdown.
King has recruited the original LAX to start a turf war with @Konnan5150, @SantanaLAX and @Ortiz5150! And they're taking the territory by force! #IMPACTonPop
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) July 6, 2018
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