Mojo Rawley Becomes A Grammar Heel
“Hamburger Todd” has become a real hot-button issue with Mojo Rawley lately and he “stayed hyped” about said issue when he played second grade English teacher to a fan on Twitter:
There is a lot going on here. Let me help.
-Nobody is one word, not two.
-Use “than” instead of “then” when making a comparison.
-Remember to use a period at the end of your sentences so that people know your thought is complete. #GrammarMatters https://t.co/hfa0JFKU88
— Dean “Mojo” Muhtadi (@MojoMuhtadi) June 27, 2018
RELATED: Mojo Rawley To Wrestlers: ‘Don’t Be A Todd’, Harper Joins His Son On UpUpDownDown (Video)
Corbin Comments On Finn’s Partner Skills
Baron Corbin went on Instagram to “thank” Braun Strowman for partnering him up with Finn Balor as the Constable gave a quick assessment on Balor’s lack of cohesiveness when it came to tag team action: