Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (6/25): Huge Intercontinental Championship Match, More

Backstage, Owens sneak out of a closet. Owens runs up the ramp and tries to get his car. The attendant says he doesn’t have Owens’ car. Owens asks who does. the attendant point at Strowman. Strowman throws Owens his keys and says he hopes Owens has insurance. Owens turns around and his car is flipped over.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler (c) w/Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins

As soon as the bell rings Rollins dropkicks Ziggler. Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Ziggler gets back in the ring. Ziggler and Rollins trade strikes. Armbar by Rollins. Ziggler sends Rollins into the corner. Ziggler lays into Rollins with rights and lefts. Heart attack elbow by Ziggler. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler takes Rollins down in a side headlock. Rollins tries to fight out of it. Ziggler drags Rollins back to the mat. Rollins fights to his feet. Dropkick by Rollins. Ziggler rolls back out of the ring. McIntyre stands in front of Ziggler as Rollins tries to attack. Ziggler tries a sneak attack but Rollins sends Ziggler into the barricade. After the break, Ziggler lands another leaping elbow drop. Rollins kicks out at two. Rear chin lock by Ziggler. Rollins struggles to his feet. After a reversal, Rollins sends Ziggler into the turnbuckle chest first.

Rollins charges in but Ziggler flapjacks Rollins all the way to the outside. Ziggler can still only get a two count. Each man tries to hit a finisher. Rollins and Ziggler end up both going for a cross body at the same time. Both men are down. Rollins lays into Ziggler with a few chops. Slingblade by Rollins. Rollins clotheslines Ziggler over the top rope. Rollins sets up a dive but when Rollins hits the ropes McIntyre clubs Ziggler in the back. The referee ejects McIntyre from ringside. In the confusion, Rollins rolls up Ziggler. The referee is too distracted to make the count. McIntyre gets on the apron. Rollins kicks McIntyre off the apron. Rollins sends Ziggler to the outside. Rollins hits a suicide dive onto McIntyre and Ziggler. Rollins goes up top. Ziggler knocks Rollins off the top. Rollins kicks out.
