impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (6/21): New Tag Team Champions Crowned, More

Backstage, LAX, King, and Diamonte are celebrating the title win from earlier in the night. Konnan walks in and everyone looks excited except King. Konnan tells King that they need to talk. Konnan says a lot of things don’t make any sense to him. King says he has all five boroughs trying to find out what happened to Konnan. Konnan says you everyone is a suspect. King says if Konnan thinks that to just say it. They are family. Konnan says King’s ambition sometimes outweighs his intelligence. Konnan threatens King’s life. King says everything is good. Konnan says he isn’t in a celebratory mood but King can go have fun.

Backstage, Killer Kross says everyone is asking why. The answer is simply why not.

oVe w/Sami Callihan vs El Hijo Del Fantasma and Pentagon Jr. 

Pentagon Jr. and Fantasma attack oVe. Pentagon Jr. and Fantasma beat down Dave Crist after dumping Jake out of the ring. Pentagon Jr. and Fantasma hit wassup with a dropkick to the ass instead of a headbutt. Pentagon Jr. rips Jake’s shirt open and lands a chop that I felt all the way in Boston, Ma. Fantasma lands the arrow from the depths of hell on Jake. After a distraction, oVe takes control. Jake puts Fantasma in a single leg crab. After the break, Dave and Jake are working over Fantasma. Fantasma manages to tag in Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr. clears the ring. Jake catches Pentagon Jr. with a boot. Jake picks Pentagon Jr. up for a tombstone. Fantasma breaks it up. Dave puts Fantasma on the top rope. oVe hits a hurricanrana bomb off the top. Pentagon Jr. hits the ring and suplexes Dave into Jake. Pentagon Jr. superkicks Dave. Pentagon Jr. hits the Pentagon Driver on Jake for the win.

Winners- El Hijo Del Fantasma and Pentagon Jr.

After the match, Sami Callihan attacks Fantasma and Pentagon Jr. with his ball bat. Dave holds up Pentagon Jr. Callahan almost hits Pentagon Jr. with the bat. Pentagon Jr. kicks Callihan in the nuts.  Pentagon Jr. kicks Dave in the nuts as well. Pentagon Jr. tries to break Jake’s arm. Callihan hits Pentagon Jr. in the head with the bat to save Jake. Dave and Jake hold Pentagon Jr. in place as Callihan hits Pentagon Jr. in the face with the bat. Callihan tries to rip off Pentagon Jr.’s mask but Fantasma hits the ring with a chair. oVe scatters.

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