impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (6/14): Number One Contender Crowned, Sydal Defends Against Cage, Mystery Attacker Revealed, More

No Disqualification Match: Keira Hogan vs Tessa Blanchard

Hogan beats the holy hell out of Blanchard outside of the ring. Blanchard rolls into the ring. Hogan traps Blanchard in the corner and pounds on her. Blanchard escapes out of the ring. Baseball slide by Hogan. Hogan dives through the ropes and hits a hurricanrana. Hogan charges at Blanchard bu Blanchard flapjacks her on the stage. Blanchard sends Hogan back into the ring. Blanchard blast Hogan with a running elbow in the corner, followed by a dropkick. After a series of short arm clotheslines, Blanchard sends Hogan flying into the corner with a Saito suplex. Blanchard puts Hogan into an abdominal stretch. Hogan turns it into a crossbody for a near fall.

Hogan misses a corner splash. Blanchard sits Hogan on the second rope and lays in a few rights and lefts. Blanchard pulls a chair from under the ring. Hogan fires up and escapes the corner. Blanchard hits the Hammerlock DDT. Hogan kicks out! Blanchard gets into it with the referee. Blanchard pushes the referee. Blanchard turns around and Hogan tosses the chair and hits Blanchard in the face. Hogan catches Blanchard with a few flying forearms. Blanchard picks up the chair. Hogan stomps it out of Blanchard’s hands. Hogan says “screw you bitch” and almost decapitates Blanchard with a superkick. Hogan bulldogs Blanchard on the chair. Blanchard kicks out. Hogan tries to hit her finisher on a chair but Blanchard reverses it into a facebuster on a chair for the win.

Winner- Tessa Blanchard


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