WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (6/11): Ronda Rousey Arm Bars Nia Jax, Final Hype For Money In The Bank, More

The B-Team vs Rhyno and Heath Slater

Dallas and Axel beat down Slater in their corner. Dallas knocks Rhyno off the apron. Dallas and Axel hit their finisher for on Slater for the win!

Winners- The B-Team

After the match, Dallas and Axel celebrate. Woken Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt appear on the ‘Tron. Hardy and Wyatt clap for Axel and Dallas. Wyatt and Hardy appear on the stage. Hardy congratulates the two obsolete mules in the ring. Wyatt tells the B-Team they are surrounded by the woken and the fireflies. Wyatt says he can sense their fear. The B-Team bought the ticket and now they have to pay for the ride. Hardy says in the end, they will eat the B-Team and delete them.

Backstage, Elias says he is going to do his best but performing tonight will be a tough one for him. Elias isn’t used to performing in front of hillbillies.

In Ring Segment: Elias

Elias tells the crowd they are seeing him for the last time without the Intercontinental Championship. Sunday Seth Rollins will find out that WWE stands for “Walk With Elias”. Elias sings a song about knowing Rollins is a tool because he does Crossfit. Elias pulls out a custom-made guitar given to him by John Mayer. The guitar has a picture of the IC title on it. Rollins runs to the ring and tosses Elias over the top rope. Rollins grabs a mic and screams for Elias to stop being a coward. Rollins says the sad part is he really wants to like Elias. Rollins runs down all the best things about Elias. Rollins notices that Elias left his new custom Guitar in the ring. Rollins says the new guitar would be great for an auction. Elias says he will bid on it if he has too. Rollins says he knows this means a lot to Elias. Rollins acts like he is going to step on the guitar. Elias pleads with Rollins to not. Rollins stomps on Elias’ new guitar.


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