Charlotte vs Becky Lynch
Lynch tries the DisArmHer early but Charlotte sends her to the outside. Lynch gets back in the ring and almost gets put in the Figure Eight. Charlotte takes Lynch over with a head scissors. Lynch responds with a few pin attempts. Lynch and Charlotte both do the sipping tea taunt. Charlotte tries to sneak in a kick at the same time that Lynch tries to sneak a kick. Charlotte catches Lynch’s leg as Lynch catches Charlotte’s leg. They both agree to put each other’s legs down. Charlotte and Lynch both try a cross body at the same time, wiping each other out in the process. After the break, Lynch tries to spin into the DisArmHer.
Charlotte escapes and lands a few chops. Back suplex by Charlotte. Charlotte crushes Lynch with a Canadian backbreaker. Lynch manages to catch Charlotte with a boot. Lynch lands a Tennesse Jam off the top for a near fall. Lynch tries the DisArmHer again. Charlotte rolls out of it and hits a spear. Lynch rolls out of the ring. Charlotte dives over the top rope and hits a splash on Lynch. Charlotte brings Lynch back into the ring. Charlotte tries a moonsault. Lynch gets her knees up. Charlotte and Lynch trade finisher attempts. Lynch finally locks in the DisArmHer. Charlotte taps out.
Winner- Becky Lynch
Backstage, Samoa Joe says he always keeps his promises. Last week Joe pulled down the MITB briefcase. That was a glimpse of the future.
Big Cass comes out on the stage and goes on a rant. Cass says a good big man with always beat a good little man. Cass is going to beat Daniel Bryan at MITB.
.@BigCassWWE plans to DEFEAT @WWEDanielBryan at #MITB… #SDLive
— WWE (@WWE) June 6, 2018