WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (5/22): Jeff Hardy Battles Daniel Bryan, More

WWE Smackdown Live Results:

Samoa Joe is out for commentary for the next match.

Jeff Hardy vs Daniel Bryan (Winner Faces Samoa Joe Next Week For The Last Spot In the MITB Match)

Hardy floors Bryan with a shoulder block. Bryan takes Hardy down with a wrist lock. Hardy escapes. Bryan floors Hardy with a shoulder block for a near fall. Hardy and Bryan trade armbars. Hardy whips Bryan into the corner. Bryan does a backflip. Bryan tries to hit the heart attack but Hardy reverses it into an inverted atomic drop. Legdrop followed by a basement dropkicks. After the break, Hardy and Bryan cross body each other at the same time. Hardy and Bryan trade strikes. An enziguri by Bryan sends Hardy to the outside. Bryan hits a dropkick through the ropes. Bryan goes out to the apron. Bryan misses his leaping knee strike. Hardy hits a flying clothesline.

Hardy sends Bryan into the ring. Hardy goes up top. Bryan cuts him off. Bryan puts Hard in the tree of woe. Yes! kicks by Bryan. Bryan crushes Hardy with a baseball slide to the face. Bryan tries to set up a back suplex but Hardy fights out of it. Whisper in the Wind by Hardy. Bryan kicks out. Hardy calls for the Twist of Fate. Bryan counters and dropkicks Hardy in the knee. Yes! kicks by Bryan. Bryan misses the last kick. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy tries the Swanton but Bryan gets the knees up. Bryan misses the flying knee. Hardy and Bryan trade pin attempts. Bryan snaps Hardy with a dragons screw leg whip. Bryan locks in the heel hook. Hardy taps out.

Winner- Daniel Bryan

After the match, Samoa Joe gets in the ring and says he doesn’t know why Bryan is celebrating because next week Bryan has to face him. Joe walks away.

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