WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (5/16): Ricochet And Velveteen Dream Battle For Supremacy, Dunne, Lorcan & Burch Team Up Against Undisputed ERA, More

Results- Live

May 16th, 2018

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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AS the show starts Johnny Wrestling’s music plays. The crowd goes nuts. Tommaso Ciampa walks out. The crowd showers Ciampa with boos. Ciampa says some people think Gargano one but Ciampa is the one who is still standing. Ciampa will win the war. Ciampa says he broke Johnny’s heart, body, and soul. Ciampa says he won. Candice LeRae comes to the ring. LeRae rips the mic out of Ciampa’s hand. Ciampa puts his hands up to calm her down. LeRae says she doesn’t understand who Ciampa is anymore.

She has no idea who Ciampa is anymore. LeRae says Ciampa is a monster who she will never forgive. LeRae says even though Gargano’s future is uncertain there is one thing we all know for sure. Gargano is better than Ciampa. Ciampa says Gargano isn’t half the main he is. Ciampa says he lived with them for two years and Ciampa knows LeRae is more of a man that Gargano is. Ciampa says while he was at their wedding all he could think about is how could she be marrying such a… and before Ciampa can finish LeRae slapped him. LeRae leaves as Ciampa watches.