chris jericho
Photo by Xavi Torrent/Redferns

Why The Gift Of Jericho Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Why The Gift Of Jericho Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
LOS ANGELES, CA – OCTOBER 24: Chris Jericho hosts the Loudwire Music Awards at The Novo by Microsoft on October 24, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Harmony Gerber/Getty Images)

New Japan Pro Wrestling

After a heated twitter exchange with Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho confirmed in true grandiose fashion that he would meet Omega on January 4th, 2018 at Wrestle Kingdom 12 in the Tokyo Dome. Not only was this announcement a huge deal for the Wrestle Kingdom card, it was an announcement that flipped the wrestling world on its head. Jericho, who was at the time not contracted to WWE, was able to go and do as he pleased, and he decided to make his presence known on a global scale.

Everything leading up to Jericho vs. Omega was brilliant. The Twitter war, Jericho’s repeated unexpected attacks on Omega and of course the “Alpha vs. Omega” branding. The match itself also delivered and is regarded by many as one of Jericho’s best matches in his career. The man is 47 years old and is still able to put on spectacular matches.

Throughout the Omega program, NJPW allowed Jericho to let loose. Not only was he allowed to curse on NJPW programming, but he was also able to channel the makings of a monster heel. From watching Jericho in WWE and WCW, we all know how masterful he is in the heel role, but we’ve never seen something like this. In NJPW, Jericho assaults NJPW personnel, wrecks sets and uses guerilla tactics to sneak up on his opponents. His approach is no different in his new feud with Tetsuya Naito.

A return to NJPW for a match at Dominion is once again big news for the wrestling world. Chris Jericho is working another match in NJPW against another world-class star in Naito. The formula is similar to the Kenny Omega feud in that Jericho is executing unexpected attacks on Naito, the most recent being at Wrestling Dontaku. Jericho even released another shirt for this feud that mocks the Los Ingobernables monicker, much like his “Alpha Club” shirt mocked Bullet Club.

The Gift of Jericho

Chris Jericho is truly a unique case in the wrestling industry. He’s reached the level where he can comfortably hop between any wrestling promotion in the world and not be bound by long term contracts anymore. He is able to dip his toes in NJPW while also making an appearance for WWE every so often, making this the most awe-inspiring time in Jericho’s career. 

The possibilities are endless for Jericho in the rest of 2018 and on, and his work ethic, promo skill and physical capabilities warrant his success as a wrestler and a businessman. Jericho has not only brought it in NJPW, but he also opened the door for the Japanese wrestling company to have more exposure to Jericho’s audience around the globe. The gift of Jericho keeps on giving.

Related: More Details Revealed About Chris Jericho Being Pulled From Casket Match At GRR