WWE Backlash: Daniel Bryan vs Big Cass
Bryan kicks Cass in the knee. Cass misses a clothesline. Bryan kicks Cass again. Bryan tries to shoot on Cass. Cass ax handles Bryan in the back. Bryan dumps Cass to the outside. Bryan dives off the apron and blasts Cass with a high knee. Cass rolls back into the ring. Bryan hits a dropkick off the top. Bryan lays in the yes kick. Cass manages to spine buster Bryan on the last kick. Cass chops Bryan over and over again. Body slam by Cass. Cass hits an elbow for a near fall. Cass plays to the crowd. Cass puts Bryan in a Canadian backbreaker. Bryan escapes and drop toe holds Cass into the turnbuckle. Yes kicks again by Bryan. Bryan hits multiple dropkicks in the corner. Cass explodes out of the corner and flapjacks Bryan. A clothesline by Cass turns Bryan inside out. Short arm clotheslines by Cass. Cass misses a big boot. Bryan puts Cass in the Yes Lock after a few vicious crossfaces by Bryan. Cass taps immediately!
Winner – Daniel Bryan
After the match, Cass pushes Bryan off the top rope. Cass tosses Bryan around on the outside of the ring. Cass finishes Bryan off with a running big boot.
.@WWEDanielBryan is all HEART as he looks to chop down the tree that is the 7-foot tall @BigCassWWE! #WWEBacklash @WWENetwork pic.twitter.com/NCSZuNweBE
— WWE (@WWE) May 7, 2018
Did @BigCassWWE just TAP TAP TAP? YES! YES! YES!@WWEDanielBryan is VICTORIOUS at #WWEBacklash! pic.twitter.com/Gs7eR1bhpx
— WWE (@WWE) May 7, 2018
He lost the battle, but did @BigCassWWE win the war and take @WWEDanielBryan out of commission? #WWEBacklash pic.twitter.com/LrCUrDZvuL
— WWE (@WWE) May 7, 2018