Major Jerry Lawler Health Update, Brain Damage From Stroke
Upon returning from his Greatest Royal Rumble Saudi Arabian trip, Jerry “the King” Lawler sat down for his Dinner With the King Podcast & revealed an alarming post-stroke health update,
“I had my first follow up with a neurologist, Dr. Weaver here in Memphis that came to see me while I was in Intensive Care and everything with my stroke. I had to get a cat scan today; but, the cool thing is he showed me a picture, brought me back and showed me a picture of my brain and this was not something I wanted to hear. He said, ‘Let me show you your brain & your brain damage.’ I said, ‘What?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, take a look.’ So anyway he shows me the scan of my brain and there was a spot on it, a dark spot, about the size of a quarter. He said, ‘When you were in the hospital that spot was solid white because it was solid blood. Now the blood has been absorbed and that is cells that have been damaged.’ I said, ‘So that amount of cells were damaged?’ He said, ‘Oh yeah, you’re just very fortunate…if that amount, that size, had been further down inside your brain, you could have lost the whole use of the whole left side of your body.’ I have no residual effects at all, I’m lucky.”
According to Lawler, Dr. Weaver explained that he doesn’t need to see him again and he should avoid another stroke, so long as he continues to take his blood pressure medicine. Those interested in hearing Dinner With the King in its entirety may do so below.
RELATED: Jerry Lawler Offers More Details On Stroke, Dangerously High Blood Pressure
JR Takes On ‘Gutless Pissants’
On the latest episode of Jim Ross’ The Jim Ross Report podcast, Ross addressed Twitter critics who accused the WWE Hall of Famer of being under the influence during the Greatest Royal Rumble,
“I got criticized on Twitter by some little gutless pissants that wanted to say, ‘JR looked either stoned or drunk.’ I can assure you that you don’t get stoned or drunk when you visit Saudi Arabia unless you’re really looking forward to meeting Omar at the prison. I ain’t interested in that.”
Thanks to Ringside News for the above quote.
Readers interested in listening to the entire episode of The Ross Report may do so HERE.
Figure Friday WWE HOF Elite Jerry Lawler