FIRST MATCH: Yota Tsuji & Shota Umino vs. Bullet Club (Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi)
Wild brawl to start. Yota Tsuji beats on Takahashi, while Owens throws Umino into the ringside barrier. Tsuji maintains dominance with stiff punches to Takahashi. Tsuji slams Takahashi. Tsuji chops away on Takahashi’s chest. Takahashi drops Tsuji with a dropkick. Yujiro hits a Yakuza Kick in the corner.
Yota fights back with some chops, but Takahashi slaps Tsuji, who flies across the ring. Takahashi slams Tsuji for a nearfall. Owens tags in. Owens hits a backbreaker for a two count.
Tsuji and Owens exchange strikes. Owens staggers Tsuji with a forearm shot. Tsuji fights back, but is sent to his knees by another forearm. Tsuji hits a dropkick. Umino tags in and clears the apron.
Umino hits a running forearm. Umino hits a corner elbow. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick for two. Umino locks in the Boston Crab, but Yujiro breaks it up. Umino knocks out Takahashi. Umino fights out of a Samoan Drop from Owens, but falls to a Jewel Heist Lariat for two. Umino rolls up Owens with a Small Package for two.
Owens hits a Double Knee Gutbuster. Owens hits a Package Piledriver on Umino for the pinfall.
WINNERS: Bullet Club
SECOND MATCH: Ren Narita, Tomoyuki Oka & Yuji Nagata vs. Ryusuke Taguchi, Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Tiger Mask
Liger and Oka start the match. They lock up. Oka and Liger get to the ropes, and Oka breaks with a chop. Liger locks in a side headlock. Oka hits a Shoulder Block. Oka staggers Liger with a second Shoulder Block. Oka ducks a lariat and hits a third Shoulder Block. Oka hits a splash in the corner. Oka goes for a second but gets hit with a Shotei. Tiger Mask tags in.
Tiger Mask hits a dropkick. Tiger Mask hits a second Drop Kick. Tiger Mask hits a spinning gut kick. Tiger Mask drops Oka and covers him, but Oka gets the shoulder up. Tiger Mask locks in an Armbar but it gets broken up. Taguchi tags in.
Taguchi locks in a stretch but Oka fights to the ropes. Taguchi hits a Seated Senton for two. Tiger Mask tags in. Tiger Mask locks in an Octopus Stretch but Nagata breaks it up. Oka hits a Brainbuster. Nagata tags in and clears the apron. Nagata hits a Yakuza Kick. Nagata hits an Exploder Suplex for two.
Tiger Mask hits a Tiger Bomb. Taguchi tags in and hits a series of mocking hip attacks on Nagata. Nagata kicks Taguchi in the rear and tags in Narita. Everyone beats on Taguchi. Narita hits a Belly To Belly for two. Narita locks in a Boston Crab. Tiger Mask breaks it up.
Narita and Taguchi exchange strikes. Taguchi hits a Hip Attack for two. Taguchi goes for Dodon but Narita fights out. Taguchi hits an Enziguri. Taguchi hits Dodon for the pinfall.
WINNERS: Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask & Jushin “Thunder” Liger
THIRD MATCH: Roppongi 3K (Sho, Yoh & Rocky Romero) vs. Suzuki-gun (Lance Archer, Takashi Iizuka & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)
Suzuki-gun assault their opponents to start. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.
In the ring, Iizuka chews on seemingly every limb that Sho has. Iizuka goes after the referee but gets rolled up by Sho.
WINNERS: Roppongi 3K