Jerry Lawler Explains Fireball Penis Incident
On the latest episode of Dinner with the King, WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry “the King” Lawler recounts his now infamous WrestleMania weekend fireball to the penis incident with independent wrestler Joey Ryan:
“Here’s what I was told. We are gonna have a wrestler there dressed like Andy Kaufman and he’s gonna go out and be dressed in the whole Kaufmann…routine and he’s gonna do the whole Kauffman bit…then he was gonna start challenging women in the audience to come out and fight him – I wasn’t even advertised – then boom all of a sudden they play my music and I come out and confront this guy and then I piledrive him or do whatever and have the reenactment of the Andy Kaufman match. I said, ‘That’s cool, whatever.’ When I got there – they didn’t even tell me who I was gonna wrestle, I had no idea…Hurricane Helms was one of the agent and he was going around telling everybody who they were wrestling and what they are gonna do. Out of the blue, he comes up to me and asks, ‘Did anybody tell you anything about who you were wrestling tonight.’ I said, ‘No, somebody told me about the Andy Kaufman thing.’ So then he starts to tell me that it’s Joey Ryan and he asks if I know Joey Ryan. I said, ‘No.’ Then he says that he is the guy that does the super penis gimmick. Now I had heard about this guy; but, I never met him. I don’t know him and I say, ‘My gosh, he’s the guy that throws people around with his penis, right?’ He says, ‘Yeah.’ I tell him, ‘Well, I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m not gonna be thrown around by anybody’s penis. As a matter of fact I just had a stroke just four days ago and was out of the hospital just two days ago and don’t want to go back after being thrown by a penis.”
Hurricane Helms then asks Lawler to provide other suggestions for the match:
“The Louisiana Athletic Commission banned piledrivers and blood in all matches. I couldn’t do a piledriver. Then that actually worked better at what I came up with there at the last minute….When I came out unannounced to face Joey Ryan, Ryan says, ‘I know why you beat Andy Kaufman. You gave him a piledriver to break his neck; but, here in Louisiana a piledriver is illegal. You can’t give me a piledriver, so I’m not afraid at you all. Here’s what I want you to do. Lawler, I want you to touch my d*ck.’ Then the place went crazy. I’m standing there with my crown and he says, ‘That’s right. Go ahead, touch it.’ I look around and instead of touching it I kick him in the groin and of course, it’s a super penis, so he don’t sell it. You can’t hurt the penis, I guess. So, I backed up and looked at him again, people went crazy and he says, ‘That’s right go ahead touch it.’ I move up a little closer and shot a fireball right into his penis. It worked out perfect…it hit him right in the penis and he took a big bump. The place went crazy. That was the first time the penis ever sold for anybody. He rolled around and fell out onto the floor. I raise my hand, all happy and everything. The piledriver was illegal in Louisiana; but, so was fire, so I got disqualified. He gets back into the ring and he is fanning his crotch and then finally he looks into his tight and looks up and smiles and says, ‘My penis is ok, my penis is ok.’ The cool thing was all the people started chanting, ‘Six star match!’ Nobody even took a bump except he did fall over for the fire on the penis.”
Fans interested in listening to the entire episode of Dinner with the King may do so below:
RELATED: Jerry Lawler Offers More Details On Stroke, Dangerously High Blood Pressure
Edge & Christian Speculate On A WWE Offseason
On the latest episode of E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness a fan asked Edge and Christian whether the WWE should have an offseason. Christian replied,
“I feel like you can’t do that – you can’t just stop WWE and have it like a sports league for three or four months. It’s an entertainment company. It puts on a live show every week and it prides itself on being out there and working. Yes, the wrestlers themselves could benefit from time off; but, it’s hard when you have certain guys in top angles who are relied on to draw houses and be the main events on shows, pay-per-views and live events and all this job entails. For the body, yeah, it would be a great idea to cycle having certain guys off and when they come back certain other guys off for a certain amount of time. I don’t know if that is the way; but, to me you can’t just stop the show for a certain amount of time.”
WWE Hall of Famer Edge chimed in with,
“There are just so many different things that go into it. Yeah, it sounds great on paper and all of those things; but, you have tv contracts. There are so many different layers to this thing that the laymen doesn’t necessarily think of that factors into this decision. It’s not as easy as that and it is a completely different beast altogether than every other sporting league or any other touring thing. It’s not like a band and there’s an album cycle. It’s not like that. It’s just different than that and that’s the way it’s set up. I don’t know what the quick answer is to that; but, I know there’s a lot more to be thought of, even though it sounds great on paper.”
Readers can listen to the latest episode of E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness below: