MAIN EVENT: IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion “Switchblade” Jay White vs. David Finlay
They lock up. Finlay gets White on the ropes and breaks clean. They lock up. White gets Finlay on the ropes and breaks. Finlay blocks a gut kick with a headlock takeover. Finlay keeps the headlock tight, despite a struggle from White. White fights off the headlock but gets throttled by a European Uppercut. Finlay throws White out of the ring.
Finlay throws White into the barricade. Finlay throws White into a section of seating. Finlay sends White into the ringpost. Finlay rolls White back in the ring. Finlay hits a back suplex for two.
Finlay gets to the second rope but White pulls him off. White hits a rope hung neckbreaker for two.
White corners Finlay and pummels him. White chops away on Finlay. White hits a forearm block for two.
White locks in a Chickenwing Dragon Sleeper. Finlay fights out. White hits a Saito Suplex. White hits a Pumphandle Backbreaker for two. White locks in a Muta Lock. Finlay fights to the ropes.
White chops Finlay. Finlay clotheslines White over the top rope, sending both men over. Finlay rolls White back in the ring. Finlay hits a European Uppercut. Finlay hits a German Suplex for two.
Finlay goes for a Uranage Backbreaker but White fights out. White and Finlay exchange forearms. Finlay hits a Uranage Backbreaker.
White counters a brianbuster and hits a Complete Shot. White hits a German Suplex. White hits a European Uppercut. White hits a Brainuster. White climbs to the top rope. White hits a missile dropkick. White locks in a Boston Crab.White transitions into a Liontamer. Finlay fights to the ropes.
White back suplexes Finlay over the top rope. White hits a Saito Suplex on the arena floor. White rolls Finlay in the ring. White launches Finlay into the turnbuckle. Finlay hits a lariat. Finlay climbs to the top rope but White stops him. White and Finlay battle on the top rope. Finlay escapes, trapping White in the ropes. Finlay stomps White to the canvas. Finlay climbs to the top rope and hits an Elbow Drop for two.
Finlay hits a kick to White’s back. White evades the spear by dropping to his knees but eats a lariat to the back of the head. Finlay hits a Spear for two. Finlay hits Blade Runner for two.
Finlay pulls off the ring apron and gets a table. Finlay sets up the table. Finlay puts White on the top rope. Finlay attempts a back suplex from the top rope to the table at ringside but White fights out. From the apron, Finlay goes for a Death Valley Driver through the table, but White fights out. White goes for an apron piledriver but Finlay fights out. White powerbombs Finlay onto the table., White hits an elbow drop on Finlay on the table. The table barely breaks.
In the ring, White hits a Double Arm Facebuster for two. White hits a Brainbuster for two. Finlay counters Blade Runner with Prima Nocte for two.
The two men exchange forearms on their knees. They fight to their feet. Finlay hits European Uppercuts. Finlay slaps White but eats a lariat. Finlay counters Blade Runner with Lumbar Check. Finlay hits a Brainbuster onto knee for two. White counters Prima Nocte with Blade Runner for the pinfall.
WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION: “Switchblade” Jay White
After the match, Jay White grabs the mic to address “the future, CHAOS’s future, my future.” He says that he’ll be paying attention to who wins the IWGP Title Match at Wrestling Dontaku.