…say that when he wrestles is the only time he feels free. @IMPACTWRESTLING #Redemption
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) April 18, 2018
.@ScottSteiner says that, "it's some of the worst sh*t that you can do is to tell people how to express themselves and who they are," in regards to the over-scripting of promos.@IMPACTWRESTLING #Redemption
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) April 18, 2018
.@ScottSteiner says that a dog is a man's best friend and the "Dog Faced Gremlin" is always near. He teases that he doesn't know if his brother will show up at @IMPACTWRESTLING's #Redemption
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) April 18, 2018
.@ScottSteiner says that his time in @IMPACTWRESTLING isn't really that different than his time in WCW or WWE, it's just another place paying him to beat people up.#Redemption
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) April 18, 2018
.@ScottSteiner claims that the proudest moment in his career was the attendance record that WCW set with their North Korea show that had over 193,000 people there.
"It's one record Vince McMahon will never break."@IMPACTWRESTLING #Redemption
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) April 18, 2018
NEXT PAGE: More Highlights From Scott Steiner’s Impact Media Call