WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/16): 2018 Superstar Shake-Up Begins, Multiple Debuts, New Champion Crowned, Huge Tag Team Upset, More

Backstage, The Bar is complaining about Wyatt and Hardy. Sheamus and Cesaro run into the Breezango. Breeze and Fandango make fun of the way Sheamus and Cesaro are dressed. Breeze gives Sheamus and Cesaro tickets.

Backstage, Rousey is talking to Kurt Angle. Angle reminds Rousey that Stephanie won’t just go away. Angle says he has a surprise for Rousey. Natalya walks in. Rousey and Natalya hug it out.

Ember Moon vs Mickie James

Moon grabs a wrist lock. James cartwheels out of it. Moon takes James down. James takes Moon over with a head scissors. James blast Moon with an elbow to the face. James tries to hip toss Moon. Moon flips and lands on her feet. Moon dropkicks James. James has Moon in a rear chin lock. Moon tries to fight out of it but James slams her back down to the mat. James bad mouths Moon. Moon kips up off the mat and head scissors James. Butterfly suplex by Moon. Front flip shouda in the corner by Moon. Moon goes up top and obliterates James with the Eclypse. James is sent flying clear across the ring.

Winner- Ember Moon