WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/16): 2018 Superstar Shake-Up Begins, Multiple Debuts, New Champion Crowned, Huge Tag Team Upset, More

Backstage, Mahal complains about the conspiracy that Angle perpetrated against him. Mahal is going to have his rematch at the Greatest Rumble. No Way Jose dances by Mahal. Jose tells Mahal to put a smile on his face. Jose dances away with Renee Young.

Sasha Banks vs Bayley

Banks and Bayley get in each other’s face. Banks kicks Bayley in the gut. Bayley fires back. Bayley goes up top but Bayley slips. Banks tries a rope walk arm drag but Bayley slams Banks to the mat. Bayley sends Banks to the outside. Bayley dives through the ropes and sends Banks flying with a hurricanrana. After the break, Banks has Bayley in a straightjacket hold. Bayley fights to her feet. Bayley backs Banks into the corner before rolling out of the hold. Bayley surprises Banks with a back body drop. Bayley spears Banks in the corner. Reverse tornado DDT off the top by Bayley. Banks kicks out.

Banks trips Bayley and she falls to the outside. Bayley tries to get back in the ring but Banks knees Bayley in the head. Bayley falls into the ring post. Banks hits Meteora into the ring post. Banks sends Bayley into the ring. Banks hits Meteora again for a near fall. Banks yells at Bayley that she is better than her. Banks slaps  Bayley. Bayley slaps Banks. An all-out brawl breaks out. Banks rolls Baylet into the Banks Statement. Before Bayley can tap, the Riot Squad hits the ring and beats down Bayley and Banks.

Winner- No contest

After the match, each memeber of the Riott Squad hits their finisher on both Banks and Bayley.