impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (4/5) Lashley Calls out Cage, Two Feast or Fired Cases on the Line, More!

Impact and Ishimori trade strikes. Ishimori tries a springboard splash. Impact catches Ishimori and hits a backward rolling senton. Standing shooting star by Impact. Ishimori kicks out. Impact sets up a superplex. Ishimori flips out of it and tries a sunset bomb. Impact hooks the ropes. Ishimori kicks Impact in the back. Top rope ranna by Ishimori. Impact kicks out. Basement kick by Ishimori. Ishimori calls for the 450. Ishimori goes up top but misses the 450. Impact hits the disaster kick. Impact drags Ishimori to the corner and hits Starship Pain for the win!

Winner- Johnny Impact

After the match, Jimmy Jacobs and Kongo Kong come to ringside. Jacobs tells Kong to attack. Impact comes out on the apron but Kong sweeps Impact’s legs. Impact lands face first on the apron. Kong lands a headbutt that sends Impact flying into the ring steps. Kong sends Impact into the ring. Impact hits an enziguri on Kong. Impact hits a corkscrew pluncha onto Kong. Jacobs holds Kong back. Impact is screaming for Kong to get in the ring.

During a video package Austin Aries says he has a lot to prove during his match at Redemption. Alberto El Patron says he has a lot to prove to himself during the match at Redemption.


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