Credit: Impact Wrestling

Exclusive: Impact Wrestling’s Moose on Athletes as Activists, Legends Being Critical Of Current Stars, Issues With Sami Callihan, More

WrestleZone’s Lovell Porter was granted the opportunity today to speak with Impact Wrestling superstar Moose.

You can find some highlights from WrestleZone’s interview with Moose below.

Be sure to tune into Impact Wrestling this Thursday night at 8 pm EST on PopTV. You can follow our live coverage of the show starting at 7 pm EST on

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On where the name Moose comes from:

Moose: It was given to me by Michael Vick during my (NFL) playing days.

On transitioning from the NFL to pro wrestling:

M: It was pretty easy. I feel like when you have the passion to do something transitioning to whatever that is going to be easy because you have the love and the passion for it. So going into wrestling was pretty much easy since going into pro wrestling is something I always wanted to do.

On if there is a difference between moving from team to team in the NFL and moving from company to company in pro wrestling:

M: Yeah it’s different. I don’t have to move from city-to-city if I sign to a new wrestling company so it’s different in that aspect but just like learning football is the same no matter what. Each team runs the same plays but you just have to learn how to put the plays together. It’s the same thing with wrestling. Wrestling is wrestling. Just because you go to a different company that doesn’t mean you have to wrestle different.

On Colin Kaepernick being “blackballed” from the NFL and if something like this could happen in pro wrestling:

M: No. No. Wrestling is entertainment. Football is an actual sport. So, I think It’s different. I don’t think that could happen, but I could be wrong because one is entertainment and the other… you know?

On if athletes using their platform for activism and being told to “shut up and dribble”:

M: Athletes should still do that stuff. A guy like LeBron James can reach out to millions of people so why wouldn’t he use his platform. That was really ignorant what she (Laura Ingraham) about shut up and dribble. If you have the platform you should reach out.

On why he chose Impact Wrestling over Ring of Honor:

M: I was just at a point in my career where I wanted to try something new. You can only learn so much when you stay with the same company forever, so I felt like the best way to learn more was to move to a different company.

NEXT PAGE: Moose Comments On Tagging With Deangelo Williams, MMA Stars In Pro Wrestling, Losing Spots, And More


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