WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/2) Stephanie Puts Rousey Through a Table, Cena Challenges Undertaker Again, Reigns Confronts Lesnar!

In Ring Segment: John Cena

Cena says they are out of time and there is still no answer. Cena says he was wrong. Silence means no. Some people may be upset about that news but Cena isn’t. Cena did everything he could to make this match happen. Cena says he is going to WrestleMania as a fan. Cena notes that Michael Cole came up to him and said Cena’s plan is stupid. Why doesn’t Cena enter the battle royal or join Strowman as his partner or something like that? Cena notes all of his loses over the past few months. After all that if Cena boggards his way into one of those matches, he would be taking a spot from someone who worked their ass off all year to get that match. The match with Taker was his last chance. If they have that match they aren’t stopping anyone’s momentum or taking someone’s spot. Taker vs Cena at WrestleMania is the match. Cena tells Nikki he loves her and admits that he has a lot going on outside of wrestling right now and Cena believes that this WrestleMania may be time for a change.

Cena says he is happy to watch Bálor and Rollins tear it up. Cena is proud that AJ Styles will finally get his WrestleMania moment with the WWE title. Cena is even proud that WrestleMania is the exact same day as Rusev day. Cena is proud to see Elias… he has no idea what he is going to do but he knows what WWE stands for now. Cena says he is proud to see the multiple women’s matches at WrestleMania as well. Cena is going to WrestleMania as a fan and he is damn proud of it. Cena wants to apologize for the Undertaker. Cena did everything he could to summon Taker. Cena goads the crowd into trying to summon Taker as well.  The crowd breaks into a loud “Undertaker” chant. Cena says Taker can ignore him all he wants but the second Taker ignores all of these people he is a dead man walking. Cena says its obvious Taker left his hat in the ring but it clear to everyone he left his balls at home. Cena leaves the ring while shaking his head.


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